27 April 2007

Leaping leopards!

I don't know why little orphan Annie's exclamation of choice came to mind, but come it did, and one must not doubt the veiled mechanisms of the unconscious cogwheels. Maybe something to do with spring, as I've had G.M. Hopkins line in my head all week: "Nothing is so beautiful as spring, when weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush."

In fact spring has nearly become summer, in a strange turn of events for the Brusselsians, who are beside themselves with glee. I guess global warming is to their benefit. Brussels will soon be the Andalucia of Europe, perhaps?

I was prevented from enjoying the sun this week by the worst headache I can ever remember having, that left me moaning for two days, and wasn't great for my work. But gradually it got better, and yesterday on my way home from French, bearing an adorable little pot of Lily of the Valley, I couldn't help but stop at the hilly little park near our house, and sit and read, enjoying the sun and air. So, I guess the other way around isn't great for my work either.

I'm off, in a matter of minutes, to catch the train to Strasbourg, where I will meet M and his parents. We'll spend a couple of days there, and then they will come here for a couple of days, so I've been getting the house ready for an in-law visit, hooray!

That also means I won't see you again until next week, so leaping leopards! I'm off.

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